Boiler Installation
and Repair
Boiler Heating
Unlike furnaces, which produce heated air, hot water boilers transfer steam heat to create indoor warmth. New models are highly efficient, which leads to savings of 25-40% on heating bills. If maintained properly, new models can last 15-25 years. Because hot water boilers don’t use fans or blowers, they don’t blow dust, dirt, and/or allergens into the air.
Boiler Installation
Through our comprehensive, whole-house approach to product recommendations and installations, we find a system that is right for you. Correct Mechanical ensures that the boilers we install will work well for as long as possible. These boilers begin paying for themselves right away because of their low operating costs.
Boiler Repair
To ensure that your boiler and that it is operating efficiently, it is vital to have it checked and maintained. Through our maintenance plan, our expert technicians ensure that your home’s systems are all working properly to improve your home’s comfort and efficiency. If you suspect that something is wrong with your boiler, contact Correct Mechanical Services at any time of the day for superior service.
Chiller Installation & Replacement
If your chillers are old and no longer performing efficiently, Correct Mechanical Services can help. Our professionals will make sure your system is sized just right for optimal efficiency and performance. Our experts will provide a flawless installation to ensure your unit will last for years to come.
At Correct Mechanical Services we have experience installing the following types of commercial chillers:
Plate evaporator chillers
Reciprocating compressor air chillers
Evaporator shell and tube chillers
Screw compressor chillers
Centrifugal chillers
Professional Chiller Maintenance
The best way to prevent problems and to keep your chiller functioning at its best for as long as possible is scheduling routine maintenance. Specific steps should be taken to keep chillers in prime condition.
The most important maintenance tasks for chillers include:
Removal of contaminants from tubes that decrease heat transfer efficiency
Inspection of water loops for water quality and evidence of corrosion
Use of water treatment to eliminate scale and corrosion
Maintaining an adequate level of refrigerant charge
Analysis of the compressor oil and replacement as necessary
The technicians at Correct Mechanical Services can share options for monitoring systems to can help identify maintenance needs early.
Chiller Repair
For chiller repair services that are quick, accurate, effective, trust Correct Mechanical Services. We use advanced diagnostic equipment to promptly and correctly assess problems. We also have the knowledge and tools to get your system back to full working order.
Snowmelt Installation
The radiant snowmelt is a great investment because it can clear the driveway, walkways, ramps, and more dangerous snow and ice.
A snowmelt system can prevent the build-up of snow and ice on:
Tire tracks on driveways
A snowmelt system can also keep entire driveways and patios free of snow. A snowmelt system is designed to improve safety and eliminate winter maintenance labor. This includes the shoveling and plowing of snow and the spreading of de-icing salt or sand.
Benefits of a snowmelt system include:
Eliminating the use of salts or other de-icing chemicals
Eliminating the risk of physical damage from winter service vehicles
Extending the life of the concrete, asphalt and/or pavers
Many systems are fully automatic. Most new snowmelt systems utilize automatic activation devices. These devices turn systems on when precipitation and freezing temperatures are picked up on sensors. They turn the system off when temperatures are above freezing. The automatic activation devices ensure the systems are only active when needed to reduce energy waste.
High-limit thermostats can increases energy efficiency as well. When these thermostats are installed in conjunction with an automatic snowmelt controller, they can temporarily disable the system once the surface has reached a sufficient temperature. Some building codes require these high-limit thermostats in order to prevent energy waste.
Hydronic snowmelt systems
Hydronic snowmelt systems feature a closed-loop tubing or modular thermal panel system heating element. It's made of a flexible polymer or synthetic rubber that circulates a mixture of hot water and antifreeze. The system heats the fluid to warm surrounding concrete/asphalt/concrete pavers. This heat in turn melts snow and ice.
The most important component of a successful tube-based hydronic heating system depends on correct spacing and layout. The tubes should be placed in a spiral or serpentine pattern, which helps distribute the heat evenly. Specifications for spacing will vary. To achieve a quicker rate of snow melting will require closer spacing of the tubing.